This is a tough time of the year for folks like me. I'm a huge State revenue sports fan, and I keep an eye and ear peeled on our non-rev sports (or semi-rev, like baseball) during the time that falls between the end of basketball and the beginning of football season.
But frankly, it's tough for me to get as into following off-season sports as I should. I envy folks like those at SectionSix, SFN and TheRedandWhite who keep the Pack sport blog fires burning during the down times. They're all doing a great job of staying on top of things as the Pack winds down a solid baseball season, heading into the ACC and NCAA tournaments.
Me? I've got two kids in daycare, a wife taking evening classes to get daycare certification and softball with the church crew on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Oh, and a 40-hours-a-week job, all of which keeps me quite busy and tired in the evenings.
I do plan to keep tabs on the Pack during their run through the baseball postseason, so hopefully I'll wander back here from time to time to share my thoughts on Pack baseball, or why I think Tony Haynes is a great one-man baseball radio crew, or why the Carolina broadcast reminds me of the brief stint I had calling games on WKNC.
But for now, welcome to the Dead Zone....
But for now, welcome to the Dead Zone....
I don't really have anything to add, but it is nice to see an actual post.